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Callan Tansey in the Community
At Callan Tansey we believe that our success is linked to the success of our community. We are committed to ...
What to do if you are in a car accident
Dealing with the unexpected scenario of any accident is difficult. Here our Caroline McLaughlin examines some key points to note following a road traffic accident
Conference on Neurological Injury and the Law a Huge Success
Our 2023 Pathways to Progress Conference was held recently at Mount Falcon Estate in Ballina. The theme this year ...
Inappropriate Medical Devices Used in Children’s Spinal Surgeries
Medical devices play a critical role in modern healthcare, however patient safety should always remain the top ...
Almost 107,000 Adverse Incidents reported to HSE last year
New figures released by the HSE state that there were almost 107,000 adverse incidents reported to them last ...
Investigation into babies born with head injuries at Galway University Hospital
According to a report in The Irish Times on 24th August 2023, Galway University Hospital commissioned a review of ...
HSE Admits Liability After Young Mother Dies Following Brain Injury
David O’Malley, Partner in our Medical Negligence department has represented Amanda Murphy and her family for a ...
Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015
The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act was signed into law on 30 December 2015. However, a number of ...
HSE apologies to family of man who died in hospital
Our Medical Negligence Department in Galway represented the family of the late Martin Best at an inquest into his ...
Making a Medical Negligence Claim in Ireland
Everyone interacts with doctors and medical professionals during their lifetime. International Studies show ...
Work Life Balance & Miscellaneous Provision Bill 2022
This Bill, which gives effect to EU Directive 1158/2019 on work life balance for parents and carers, quietly ...
Galway hospital apologises after young father’s death following surgery
Our Roger Murray SC represented the family of Shane Banks, in Ireland's longest running inquest last year, and ...