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Irish Sprinter, Kieran Elliott

Young Irish Sprinter, Kieran Elliott, sponsored by Callan Tansey yearly, pictured here with Roger Murray (far ...

First Report of the Personal Injuries Commission

The Personal Injuries Board Commission, which was establised following the Cost of Insurance Working Group Report ....

Caroline McLaughlin discusses ‘Do we have a Compensation Culture in Ireland’? Tommy Marren Show, MidWest Radio

Our Caroline McLaughlin, Associate discusses, " Do we have a Compensation Culture in Ireland"?

GSOC urges High Court to overturn costs order over ‘one-sided’ investigation

The Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) wants the High Court to overturn a costs order made against it by a ...

Hospital worker awarded €65k after being defamed on Facebook

Hospital worker James Woods, a former secretary of Roscommon County Darts, was given the award after effectively being accused of stealing funds in the 1980s ....

Verdict of medical misadventure over baby’s death in 2015

Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane said there had been a lack of clarity regarding who was responsible for observing and monitoring baby Stevie's mother, Sandra Cullivan

Handbag Appeal for Enable Ireland

Enable Ireland provides services to children and adults with disabilities and their families from 40 locations

Winner of The Callan Tansey Dilseacht Award 2017

Caroline McLaughlin presenting Shauna Craig of Carndonagh Community School The Callan Tansey Dilseacht Award.

Roger Murray: Pathways to Progress Conference 2017

‘The bottom of our world fell apart’ – daughter of man who died while on visit to Dublin

The daughter of a man who died when he became ill on a visit to Dublin said the “bottom of their world fell apart”

Medical errors causing 1,000 deaths a year, conference told

An estimated 1,000 unnecessary deaths are caused every year in Ireland by medical error, while up to 160,000 hospitals users are injured ..

Pathways to Progress Medicolegal Conference 2017

Medicolegal Conference & Gala Dinner 2017 at Markree Castle hosted by Callan Tansey Solicitors.