Concern For Families If Family Courts Bill 2022 Is Enacted

Our Ms. Orlagh Sharkey, Partner and Head of the Family Law Department outlines her concerns for Family Court users if the Family Courts Bill 2022 is enacted in its current form: I recently attended a District Court sitting for family law. There were 74 family law...

What to Do If You Experience Domestic Abuse in Ireland

Domestic abuse can take many forms. These include physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, financial and economic abuse and coercive control. Here our Orlagh Sharkey, Head of Family Law, outlines the various steps you can take if you are...

Recognising and Dealing with Coercive Control

Coercive Control is a common and often unseen form of Domestic Abuse. Ireland is one of the first countrries in the world to recognise coercive control as an offfence and introduce legislation to protect people from the subtle form of abuse. Here Orlagh Sharkey,...

Maintenance Payments in Separation and Divorce

In a separation or divorce, there is often a requirement for maintenance payments. Before separation a couple pool their resources and cover the costs of the household on a shared basis. However, when separation occurs the finances are no longer pooled and instead the...

How To Get A Separation or Divorce In Ireland

If you have reached the difficult decision that your marriage is over, the next step is to formally separate. Getting a separation or divorce in Ireland involves contacting a Solicitor who will go through the best options open to you after going through your personal...