State Needs To Do the Right Thing, pleads husband

In a case heard in the High Court yesterday, Fergal Murphy pleaded with the State to “do the right thing” for his 44 year old wife Amanda who is seriously ill. Represented by our David O’ Malley, Mr. Murphy is looking to have his wife Amanda’s...

Callan Tansey Ballina celebrates five years since opening

It has been five years since Callan Tansey Ballina opened its doors. This milestone was marked by the staff this week at a coffee morning at the office. Callan Tansey Ballina provides a full range of legal services for people across North Mayo and West Sligo, a...

GSOC probe was one-sided, says judge

A judge yesterday described a GSOC investigation into a road traffic accident, involving an off-duty garda in 2013, as “one of the most one-sided I have ever seen”. Judge Kevin Kilrane yesterday told Sligo District Court GSOC had “ignored” vital evidence, and the way...

APOLOGY Neasa Ni Chianain

In a number of articles published in 2008 and 2009, the Sunday Independent suggested that Neasa Ni Chianain, the prominent documentary film maker, had acted improperly in the making and direction of the well known RTE documentary Fairytale of Kathmandu. We acknowledge...