
Friday 20th September 2019 saw a full day conference with an array of challenging and informative speakers at Kilronan Castle.

We heard from world class legal experts, medical experts and sporting figures.

The event concluded with a Gala Dinner on Friday evening at Kilronan Castle.



08:30 – 09.00 Registration
09:00 – 09.05 Intro and Welcome – Roger Murray
09:05 – 09.25 Keynote Address – The Honourable Ms Justice Marie Baker
09:25 – 09.30 Opening Remarks – Anton Savage M.C
Module 1

Legal Liability for Sports Injuries and Treatment

09:30 – 09.45 Padraic Brennan
09:45 – 10.00 Dr Kevin Power
10:00 – 10.15 Louise Reilly
10:15 – 10.30 Brian Gill
10:30 – 11.00 Panel Discussion – Chaired by Anton Savage

Panellists – Judge Marie Baker, Brendan Murray, Joe Gorham

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break
Module 2 Sport: Inclusivity and Recovery
11:30 – 11.45 Anna Clarke
11:45 – 12.00 Kathrina Bray
12:00 – 12.15 Caroline Currid
12:15 – 12.30 Liam Moffat
12:30 – 13.00 Panel Discussion – Chaired by Anton Savage
Panellists – Mona McSharry, Jonathan Knight, Kieran Elliott, Niamh Kelly
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
Module 3 Medico-Legal Aspects of Sports Injuries
14:00 – 14.20 Donald Campbell
14:20 – 14.40 Manolis Gavalas
14:40 – 15.00 Kevin Moran
15:00 – 15.20 Ken Robinson
15:20 – 15.40 Concluding Remarks, Summing Up and Invitation to Gala Dinner
Niamh Ní Mhurchú and Anton Savage