A recent survey completed by thousand’s of legal experts across Ireland named Callan Tansey Solicitors LLP as one of the best law firms in Ireland. The survey was carried out by Statista on behalf of Mediahuis. It included a peer-to-peer survey of solicitors working in law firms and a survey of business clients. Those surveyed were asked to nominate law firms in a range of different specialist areas of practice.


Medical Negligence and Personal Injuries


In the survey, Callan Tansey Solicitors LLP was named as one of Ireland’s top law firms in the areas of Medical Negligence and Personal Injuries. We were one of only a handful of law firms to have its expertise in this area of law recognised. This is a wonderful endorsement of our Medical Negligence and Personal Injuries teams. It follows Callan Tansey Solicitors LLP being named Law Firm of the Year for Medical Negligence and Personal Injuries at the 2021 Irish Law Awards.


One of Best Law Firms in West of Ireland


Callan Tansey Soliicitors LLP was one of the few law firms outside Dublin to be named on this list of best law firms in Ireland. With offices in Sligo, Boyle, Balina, Galway and Limerick, Callan Tansey Solicitors LLP attracts clients throughout the Northwest, West, Southwest and Midlands. Having a further office in Dublin, and secure video conferencing facilities at all our offices ensures that we can provide legal services to clients nationwide.


Survey Methodology


The survey was conducted on line between March 28 and May 20, 2022. A total of 1,026 legal professionals took part. Self recommendations, i.e. recommendations of one’s own law firm) were prohibited.

Photo Credit: Sunday Independent